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Monodraw 1 41

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Monodraw 1.4 Powerful ASCII art editor designed for the Mac. Plain text has been around for decades and it's here to stay. Pro paint 3 3 5. Monodraw allows you to easily create text-based art (like diagrams, layouts, flow charts) and visually represent algorithms, data structures, binary formats and more. 每次软件推荐,Alfred都位列其中,可见其实用性有多强! Alfred 能帮你快速打开网页、快速进行自定义搜索、查看剪贴板历史、快速查询单词等等。.

What are the system requirements?

  1. Monodraw allows you to easily create text-based art (like diagrams, layouts, flow charts) and visually represent algorithms, data structures, binary formats and more. Because it's all just text, it can be easily embedded almost anywhere.
  2. Great looking Landing Page for ‘Monodraw' – a new Mac app that allows you to create advanced ASCII art, easily. The One Pager features lovely soft gradients and crisp screenshots of the application. Real nice touch with the Surface Tool interactive slider demonstrating how font tracing works. Make sure you watch the video, very impressive.
  3. Adobe Zii 2020 5.1.8 universal Patcher macOS 通用补丁 Paragon NTFS for Mac 15.5.100 完美读写NTFS分区 macOS 系统安装程序 (WIN/BDU & MAC/DU) – ACTUALLY BUILDS.

The app requires macOS 10.14 Mojave or later. If you're running an older version of macOS, you can download Monodraw v1.3 which only requires macOS 10.10 Yosemite.

Which versions include the command line tool?

Only the versions which you download directly from our website and purchase from our store. Due to restrictions imposed by the App Sandbox on the Mac App Store, the tool cannot be included there.

Monodraw 1 417

How do I provide feedback?

We would love to hear from you — the best way would be to drop us an email. Alternatively, just tweet us @Monodraw.

How are you going to use my email? I hate spam.

We hate spam, too. We would not share your email with any 3rd parties, period. We would only email you if we have important news about Monodraw and our upcoming products, that's it.

Do you have a Press Kit?

Of course — you can download it from here.

Do you offer Educational Pricing?

Yes, we do — just get in touch.

Privacy Policy

We take your privacy very seriously. Monodraw does not collect any data whatsoever.

Elemental Attribute:Wind
Attacker Type:
Type:Mini Dragon Digimon
Families:Nature Spirits
Metal Empire
Dragon's Roar
Digivolves to:Strikedramon
Can be riddenNo
Can be hatchedYes
Data needed / amount:Dragon / 5

Monodraw 1 41 Cm

Monodraw 1 417

Monodramon is a Mini Dragon Digimon whose name and design are derived from 'Monos (μόνος? lit. 'One') Dramon'. It has bat-like wings attached to both of its hands, but is unable to fly. Despite being a Vaccine, its personality is not so much considerably rough as it is near to brutality, giving the impression that it is a brawl-loving Digimon. Even in the Digital World, this Monodramon is in the heart of most brawls enough that it seems even Ogremon is fed up with Monodramons tenacity. Also, the horn growing behind it is said to be its weak point, but this definitely has no degree of truth.


Lv. 11Lv. 25Lv. 41Lv. 65(with Critical Arms)

Monodramon is a Mini Dragon Digimon whose name and design are derived from 'Monos (μόνος? lit. 'One') Dramon'. It has bat-like wings attached to both of its hands, but is unable to fly. Despite being a Vaccine, its personality is not so much considerably rough as it is near to brutality, giving the impression that it is a brawl-loving Digimon. Even in the Digital World, this Monodramon is in the heart of most brawls enough that it seems even Ogremon is fed up with Monodramons tenacity. Also, the horn growing behind it is said to be its weak point, but this definitely has no degree of truth.


Lv. 11Lv. 25Lv. 41Lv. 65(with Critical Arms)

Drop Locations / Information

DigimonWhere foundLevels
MonodramonD-Terminal-Dungeon-B2Levels: 73-75
StrikedramonWestern Area: OutskirtsLevels: 26-28
StrikedramonWestern Area: EastLevels: 26-28
StrikedramonDigimon FarmLevels: 3x
StrikedramonServer Continent CanyonLevels: 92-94
CyberDramonD-Terminal-Dungeon-B2Levels: 73-75
CyberDramonServer Continent PyramidLevels: 92-94

Default Stats

Monodraw 1 411

Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 120

Digimon StatsBase
Health Points1199530
Attack Speed1.7
Critical Hit21.37%6.8%
Hit Rate500
  • Base Value = Official stats at 100% size and level 1


Slash Nail Wind attribute3 seconds cooldown7 DS consumedskill points per upgradeseconds animation
It finely crushes the opponent's data with its teeth making normal functions impossible.
Fire Breath Wind attribute6 seconds cooldown19 DS consumedskill points per upgradeseconds animation
It rushes to attack the opponent fiercely and strikes with its sharp claws.
Bust Shadow Wing Wind attribute12 seconds cooldown34 DS consumedskill points per upgradeseconds animation
Chops up the opponent using a super speed vacuum blade.

Monodraw 1 41 Sailboat

Slash Nail297313329345361377393409425441457473489505521537553569585601617633649665681
Fire Breath67470573676779882986089192295398410151046107711081139117012011232126312941325135613871418
Bust Shadow Wing7578469351024111312021291138014691558164717361825191420032092218122702359244825372626271528042893

Music paradise player 1 0 3 full.
Librarian pro 4 0 6 – complete personal inventory system.


Monodramon is a Digimon with a vicious personality that likes to fight. They say its horns are its weakness, but this has not been confirmed. It becomes Justimon in its final stage of evolution.

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